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It is amazing to know that this software covers so many algebra topics. It does not limit you to preset auto-generated problems you simply enter your own. It is a must for all students. I highly recommend this package to all.
Clara Johnson, ND
My son was in a major car wreak and was homebound for several months. I feared that he would fall behind in his classes. His math teacher recommended Algebrator, which literally took him through each problem step by step. Once my son was able to return to school, he had a better understanding of math then before he left. I would recommend this software to anyone!
Bim Oyadare, FL
I just finished using Algebrator for the first time. I just had to let you know how satisfied I am with how easy and powerful it is. Excellent product. Keep up the good work.
Cathy Dixx, OH
I purchased the Personal Algebra Tutor (PAT). The system is not has functional as I wanted or expected, and there are several problems it will not solve, or certain problems will freeze up the system. The program is OK but there are too many limitations and several technical issues. It took three e-mail from their tech support just to activate the program.
T.G., Florida
My son came to me that day, and he asked to buy him a program called "Algebrator", he told me that all of his friends in the school use it, I thought that it's like the other programs, expensive and useless tool, but it turned out to be quite a surprise. Thank you very much!
Bud Pippin, UT
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