Registered: 19.05.2002
From: You are might here ->
Posted: Saturday 30th of Dec 10:39
Hi everybody out there, I am caught up here with a set of math questions that I find really hard to answer. I am taking Pre Algebra course and need help with prentice hall algebra 2 answers. Do you know of any useful math help software ? To be honest , I am a little skeptical about how useful these software products can be but I really don’t know how to solve these questions and thought it is worth a try.
I suggest that you try out Algebrator. I have been using this product for a few months now and I can frankly say that it is what helped me save my grades this semester. Algebrator offers amazing ways to deal with complex problems. You will definitely love it, I can guarantee.
Yes I agree, Algebrator is a really useful product . I bought it a few months back and I can say that it is the main reason I am passing my math class. I have recommended it to my friends and they too find it very useful. I strongly recommend it to help you with your math homework.
graphing, mixed numbers and logarithms were a nightmare for me until I found Algebrator, which is truly the best algebra program that I have ever come across. I have used it through several algebra classes – Basic Math, Algebra 1 and College Algebra. Just typing in the algebra problem and clicking on Solve, Algebrator generates step-by-step solution to the problem, and my math homework would be ready. I really recommend the program.