Hello guys I am about one week through the semester, and getting a bit worried about my course work. I just don’t seem to comprehend the stuff I am learning, especially things to do with squareroot fractions. Could somebody out there please enlighten me with dividing fractions, algebraic signs and unlike denominators. I can’t afford to hire a tutor, but if anyone knows about other ways of learning topics like trinomials or binomials quickly , please drop me a line Thanks a lot
Algebrator is a real gem that can help you with Algebra 1. Since I was weak in Algebra 1, one of my class teachers recommended me to try the Algebrator and based on his advice, I searched for it online, purchased it and started using it. It was just extra ordinary. If you intently follow each and every section offered there on Algebra 2, you would definitely master the fundamentals of factoring polynomials and relations within hours.
Hello there. Algebrator is really amazing ! It’s been weeks since I used this software and it worked like magic! Math problems that I used to spend solving for hours just take me 4-5 minutes to answer now. Just enter the problem in the program and it will take care of the solving and the best thing is that it shows the whole solution so you don’t have to figure out how did the software come to that answer.
Algebrator is the program that I have used through several algebra classes - College Algebra, Pre Algebra and Algebra 2. It is a really a great piece of math software. I remember of going through problems with relations, roots and conversion of units. I would simply type in a problem homework, click on Solve – and step by step solution to my algebra homework. I highly recommend the program.